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Treatment Options

There are numerous types of treatments. Local therapy is the removal of the pinpoint of breast cancer, which involves surgery and sometimes radiation therapy. Surgery removed the tumore from the breast, and radiation therapy uses powerful X-rays to kill leftover breast cancer cells. Unlike local therapy, systematic therapy uses drugs to kill breast cancer cells. Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy are systematic. Chemotherapy is used for most types of breast cancer. It is given throughout a schedule and a full session would be complete by 3-6 months. Hormone therapy slow and stops the precess of cancer cells collecting estrogen, which helps them grow. Targeted therapy attacks a certain pathway connected to the breast cancer and causes little harm to normal cells, unlike chemotherapy. You should consider these treatments by the biology of the tumor, the stage of the breast cancer, health, age, medical issues, and personal preference.

There is always research to improve treatments for breast cancer. Clinical trials have progressed with sucess over 40 years. Even though oncologists and other scientists are working toward a cure, it is vital to folllow your treatment plan. Important elements in your treatment plan include the correct dosage amount, timing, and frequency. Medications would only function their task properly if you take them as prescribed.

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